
Drones on campus

An Eye In the Sky

The capabilities of and uses for drones are growing at a rapid pace. How can they be used for campus safety...and should they?

Active Shooter Training

Training for The Unthinkable

Does your options-based active shooter training approach meet standards of care?

Acoustical Considerations

Acoustical Considerations for 21st-Century K-12 Learning Environments

Today's educational trends require sound acoustical design.

Arrival Sequence

Changing the 'Arrival Sequence'

Architecture firm’s proposed design makes progressive school more secure.

energy rebates

High School Qualifies for Energy Rebates

Sidney High School also betters its energy efficiency.


The Handwriting Is on the Wall

Take a look at the next big thing in college and university classroom design: walls you can write on and push around.

school collaboration

Creating Successful Joint-Use Collaborations

Collaboration is the art and science of combining people's talents, skills, and knowledge to achieve a common goal.


Off the Grid

Microgrids offer college campuses energy independence, resiliency and lower power bills. Are you ready to take your school off the grid?


Trouble in Paradise: When Outsourcing Doesn't Work as Planned

What are your options when outsourcing doesn't work as planned or intended?

Designing the interiors of performing and visual arts

Breaking with Tradition

"Traditional" campus spaces — such as performing and visual arts spaces and libraries — are undergoing transformational design updates, evolving into multifunctional, technology-rich, vibrant spaces.


Should I or Shouldn't I? Facing the Outsourcing Decision

Sometimes it's a more responsible use of resources to contract a service. But how do you know for sure? Here's how to work through the process.

Restroom design

Rethinking Restroom, Shower Room and Locker Room Design

For a variety of reasons, restroom, shower room and locker room designs are changing. Here's a look at what's driving those changes and what the spaces look like.

California State University Fresno’s School of Education

Teaching the Teachers

California State University Fresno's School of Education has created technology-enabled classrooms that promote next-generation learning for the next generation of teachers.

Making Schools New

Making School New Again

Technology is reinventing K-12 teaching and learning.

gender-neutral restrooms

Restrooms for All

Despite pushback from an unfriendly administration, gender-neutral restrooms grow more common — and more necessary — on college campuses.

Building Materials

Deciding What Building Materials to Specify

It's time to build a new school, and there's a lot more to the process than securing the funding and beginning the digging. One part of the process is choosing building materials. Here's how.

Managing Campus Visitors

Managing Campus Visitors

In today's world, colleges and universities must not allow campus visitors to come and go without scrutiny.

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Air, Better Students

Research shows that students — as well as teachers — perform better when schools implement indoor air quality programs.

Historic Campus

Looking Back, Moving Forward

New buildings on historic campuses must pay homage to the past while claiming their own time and place in history. It's a hard line to walk. Three schools discuss rules to live by and when to break them.

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