Germs must be dealt with in a firm and consistent manner.
Architects and engineers are incorporating innovative methods and systems into designing buildings to withstand extreme weather.
How do you schedule necessary maintenance projects when school facilities are being used year-round for a variety of purposes?
Administrators share compelling reasons to consider organizing your maintenance department into zones.
Rethinking the good, the bad, and the ugly of flexible learning spaces.
Performing arts spaces are evolving into acoustically advanced, interdisciplinary hubs of campus activity.
Not your parents' lunchroom!
Today's up-and-coming class of new facilities managers must combine practical knowledge of established methods of maintenance with increased technological options, leadership skills and a customer-focused mindset. It's a challenging balance, and one that current professionals say takes time and focus to achieve.
Expert advice on sorting through flooring options for food preparation and service areas.
Interactive projectors, monitors and whiteboards provide new teaching and learning tools.
Developing, practicing and planning protocols used to prepare and respond to natural disasters.
Best practices and benefits of optimizing lighting and HVAC control.
There are many factors involved in making sure our students get to and from school safely.
Here are success stories and insights as to what makes for a successful transportation program.
Creating a culture of fire safety and survivability.
It's hard to overstate the importance of effective campus lighting. At institutions of all types and sizes, lighting is a key consideration.
Schools need to be innovative with staff and time to use technology effectively.
Adaptive technologies help students with disabilities fully engage in campus life.
Tips on keeping the actions and message of fire prevention and safety in the forefront of campus communications.
Today's options for building exteriors vary widely from traditional brick. An expanded palette of materials offers vivid color and texture choices to architects and designers.
Integrating Crime prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) concepts into master planning and design is one demonstrated way to create an overall safe campus.